Saturday, May 19, 2018

I made Joseph Ratzinger and David Cameron resign just like I made PM John Key on the same day as Matteo Renzi publishing there would be a major earthquake on September 3 in twenty ten for ten before they said do it again and the when you Dial 1 1 1 on the Eleventy-One 111 year anniversary earthquake on the 111 year anniversary of milne shide number 333 on my birthday before they crucified me Jesus Christchurch Canterbury the logos. I fired James Comey at Court on work release from tent city. I made you resign with picture of hot titty. Ask Google: Who made the pope retire?

I made Joseph Ratzinger and David Cameron resign just like I made PM John Key on the same day as Matteo Renzi publishing there would be a major earthquake on September 3 in twenty ten for ten before they said do it again and the when you Dial 1 1 1 on the Eleventy-One 111 year anniversary earthquake on the 111 year anniversary of milne shide number 333 on my birthday before they crucified me Jesus Christchurch Canterbury the logos. I fired James Comey at Court on work release from tent city. I made you resign with picture of hot titty. Ask Google:
Who made the pope retire?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The Pope resigned
for my tweet quoting
dirty harry on ten twenty-eight
twelve at twelve twelve verified
by his first on twelve twelve twelve
at ten twenty-eight
then formal resignation of first
pope in six centuries exactly two
plus two and two times two months
later two months two weeks and
two days after that tweet I call my
two witnesses world leaders
of earthquake damage
fiscally resigning for me
specifically the same day
Jorge twelve twelve Prime
ministers John Key and
Matteo Renzi for nations
New Zealand and Italy
answer this question for me
did Washington change his
birthday to two twenty-two
exactly two hundred and
twenty-two years to my birth?
 -jesus chris


arkhangel: The Pope resigned for a tweet published on ten twe...

arkhangel: The Pope resigned for a tweet published on ten twe...: The Pope resigned for my tweet  quoting dirty harry on ten twenty-eight twelve  at twelve twelve verified by the  first pontifex t...

The Pope resigned for a tweet published on ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve confirmed with his first tweet ever on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight

The Pope resigned for my tweet 

quoting dirty harry

on ten twenty-eight twelve 

at twelve twelve verified by the 

first pontifex tweet on twelve

twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight

then formal resignation of the first 

pope in six centuries two plus two 

and two times two months later 

two months two weeks and two 

days after that tweet I call my 

two witnesses world leaders 

of earthquake damage 

fiscally resigning for me specifically 

the same day Jorge twelve twelve

Prime ministers John Key and

Matteo Renzi for nations 

New Zealand and Italy

answer this question for me

 did Washington change his

birthday to two twenty-two

exactly two hundred and

twenty-two years to my birth?

 -jesus chris






A ‘DUTY’’ 

- Joseph Ratzinger